Four Seasons Hotel Sydney, Sydney, Australia, Australia
The Four Seasons Hotel Sydney has it all: style, location and impressive accommodations. Families can take in sights of the Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge from many of the rooms that face the harbor. Complimentary amenities for kids are offered to all of our younger guests, including child-sized bathrobes and cribs or baby bottles for infants. Kids under the age of 18 stay for free with their parents as space permits, and connecting rooms are available for large families who need extra space. Guestrooms are equipped with wireless internet access, tea and coffee makers and hair dryers, and hypoallergenic pillows can be requested. Babysitting services can be arranged within six hours’ notice, making it easier for mom and dad to enjoy a night out alone. Pei Modern and The Cabana are two onsite restaurants that feature kids? menus, and there are also options for younger guests on the in-room dining menu as well. Guests can take a dip in Sydney’s biggest heated outdoor pool where they can purchase snacks during the summer. When families go out to explore the city, they can take the Sydney Harbour Photography Tour to discover the many historical landmarks in the area while shooting beautiful pictures with the help of your tour guide. The hotel features an onsite concierge that can direct guests to nearby family-friendly activities. There are lots of kid-friendly tours, beaches and parks to visit, so guests staying at the Four Seasons will have a chance to experience the true culture of the city.
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