Curry Village Lodging Yosemite National Park, Yosemite National Park, California
Located in Yosemite Valley, the hotel is one of the most popular lodging options in Yosemite National Park. The Curry Village in Yosemite is a campground close to Highway 140 and near hiking, snow skiing, biking trails and scenic views. The hotel offers complimentary shuttle service to various locations in the park. The Curry Village’s pavilion serves breakfasts and dinners daily for a fee. The hotel serves scheduled cocktails. An on-site outdoor supply store is provided. This California hotel includes an outdoor pool, amphitheater, bicycle and watercraft rentals. Guestrooms at the Curry Village include wood cabins with private bathrooms, cabins with a central bath or canvas tent cabins. Cabins include electric wall heaters and outdoor decks. Bathrooms and showers are near cabins without bathrooms. Wood canvas-covered tents accommodate up to five people.
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